Enjoy the Drive (TV Spot)

Enjoy the Drive

Anyone who commutes to Orange County knows the pain inflicted by the 405. Even just thinking about it fills my heart with rage. Road rage. There was even that time I startled a kid in the car next to me while losing my cool and trying to pull out my hair in the midst of a rush hour traffic jam. And I’m not the only one; road rage is a debilitating condition that affects millions of drivers each year.

So, when The Toll Roads of Orange County approached us to help them drive more traffic (BA-DUM TSSS!) to their open roads, I was ready to take the wheel! We created the Enjoy the Drive campaign. It focuses on the happiness and ease drivers experience when using The Toll Roads. Along with the commercial spot, we revamped their branding, developed new iconographic language, built banner campaigns, and direct mail pieces that have increased their visibility and removed the stagnation that was their brand.

The Toll Roads of OC
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